Difference between revisions of "References (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) (Q10762)"

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(‎Created claim: Has Sectioning (P146): References (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) (Q10762), #quickstatements; #temporary_batch_1593004449422)
(77 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Bergeron N, et al, Intensive Care Med (2001), cited as Ref 23 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Marra A, et al, Am J Crit Care (2019), cited as Ref 24 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Gusmao-Flores D, et al, Crit Care (2012), cited as Ref 25 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Barr J, et al, Crit Care Med (2013), cited as Ref 26 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Trzepacz PT, et al, J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci (2001), cited as Ref 27 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Khan BA, et al, Crit Care Med (2017), cited as Ref 28 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Ely EW, et al, Crit Care Med (2001), cited as Ref 29 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Radtke FM, et al, Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther (2009), cited as Ref 30 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Zhu N, et al, N Engl J Med (2020), cited as Ref 31 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Li Q, et al, N Engl J Med (2020), cited as Ref 32 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Huang C, et al, Lancet (2020), cited as Ref 33 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Emanuel EJ, et al, N Engl J Med (2020), cited as Ref 34 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Pandharipande PP, et al, Crit Care Med (2004), cited as Ref 35 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Han L, et al, Arch Intern Med (2001), cited as Ref 36 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Pun BT, et al, Crit Care Med (2019), cited as Ref 37 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Ely EW, et al, Crit Care Med (2017), cited as Ref 38 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Barnes-Daly MA, et al, Crit Care Med (2017), cited as Ref 39 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Caridi-Scheible M, et al, COVID-19 Clinical Rounds (2019), cited as Ref 40 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Ding Y, et al, J Pathol (2004), cited as Ref 41 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Gu J, et al, J Exp Med (2005), cited as Ref 42 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Li YC, et al, J Comp Neurol (2013), cited as Ref 43 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Hui DS, et al, Respirol (2003), cited as Ref 44 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Li YC, et al, J Med Virol (2020), cited as Ref 45 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Glass WG, et al, J Immunol (2004), cited as Ref 46 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Arbour N, et al, J Virol (2000), cited as Ref 47 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Li K, et al, J Infect Dis (2016), cited as Ref 48 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Khan S, et al, J Hosp Infect (2020), cited as Ref 49 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Talbot PJ, et al, Adv Exp Med Biol (1993), cited as Ref 50 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Mengeling WL, et al, Am J Vet Res (1972), cited as Ref 51 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Yeh EA, et al, Pediatrics (2004), cited as Ref 52 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Nath A, et al, Neurology (2020), cited as Ref 53 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Li Y, et al, Intervirology (2016), cited as Ref 54 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Poyiadji N, et al, Radiology (2020), cited as Ref 55 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Li YC, et al, Virus Res (2012), cited as Ref 56 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Netland J, et al, J Virol (2008), cited as Ref 57 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Kotfis K, et al, Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther (2020), cited as Ref 58 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Baig AM, et al, ACS Chem Neurosci (2020), cited as Ref 59 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Wiesmann M, et al, J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2013), cited as Ref 60 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Rygiel K, et al, J Postgrad Med (2016), cited as Ref 61 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Palmer JC, et al, J Alzheimers Dis (2013), cited as Ref 62 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Martire S, et al, Mech Ageing Dev (2015), cited as Ref 63 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Iacono KT, et al, J Virol (2006), cited as Ref 64 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Zhou J, et al, J Immunol (2003), cited as Ref 65 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Templeton SP, et al, Brain pathology (2008), cited as Ref 66 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Kim LJ, et al, Brain Res (2015), cited as Ref 67 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Sun JJ, et al, Sci Rep (2015), cited as Ref 68 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Dubé M, et al, J Virol (2018), cited as Ref 69 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Ely EW, et al, Intensive Care Med (2001), cited as Ref 70 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Ely EW, et al, JAMA (2004), cited as Ref 71 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Vasilevskis EE, et al, Med Care (2018), cited as Ref 72 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Pandharipande PP, et al, N Engl J Med (2013), cited as Ref 73 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Vincent JL, et al, Intensive Care Med (2016), cited as Ref 74 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Girard TD, et al, Lancet Respir Med (2018), cited as Ref 75 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Girard TD, et al, Annu Rev Med (2016), cited as Ref 76 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Pandharipande P, et al, J Trauma (2008), cited as Ref 77 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Pandharipande P, et al, Anesthesiology (2006), cited as Ref 78 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Girard TD, et al, N Engl J Med (2018), cited as Ref 79 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: van den Boogaard M, et al, JAMA (2018), cited as Ref 80 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Meng L, et al, Anesthesiology (2020), cited as Ref 81 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Balas M, et al, Crit Care Med (2012), cited as Ref 82 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Hsieh SJ, et al, Crit Care Med (2019), cited as Ref 83 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Barnes-Daly MA, et al, Worldviews Evid-Based Nurs (2018), cited as Ref 84 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / Occurs in Bibliography
Property / Occurs in Bibliography: Kotfis K, et al, Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther (2018), cited as Ref 85 in DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x / rank
Normal rank
Property / IMRaD(C) Section
Property / IMRaD(C) Section: Bibliography / rank
Normal rank
Property / Section or subsection level in publication
Property / Section or subsection level in publication: Supplementary section of a publication / rank
Normal rank
Property / Has Sectioning
Property / Has Sectioning: Section 1: Introduction (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Has Sectioning
Property / Has Sectioning: Section 2: COVID-19: Potential factors contributing to ICU delirium (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Has Sectioning
Property / Has Sectioning: Section 3: COVID-19: Neuro-invasive potential of SARS-nCoV-2 as cause of delirium (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Has Sectioning
Property / Has Sectioning: Section 4: COVID-19: ICU delirium management:potential problems and solutions (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Has Sectioning
Property / Has Sectioning: Section 5: Conclusions (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Has Sectioning
Property / Has Sectioning: Authors' contributions (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Has Sectioning
Property / Has Sectioning: Funding (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Has Sectioning
Property / Has Sectioning: Availability of data and materials (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Has Sectioning
Property / Has Sectioning: Ethics approval and consent to participate (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Has Sectioning
Property / Has Sectioning: Consent for publication (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Has Sectioning
Property / Has Sectioning: Competing interests (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Has Sectioning
Property / Has Sectioning: References (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x) / rank
Normal rank
links / sliswiki / namelinks / sliswiki / name

Latest revision as of 13:15, 24 June 2020

Publication: "COVID-19: ICU delirium management during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic"published as Crit Care; 2020 04 28 ; 24 (1) 176; DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x
Language Label Description Also known as
References (from DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x)
Publication: "COVID-19: ICU delirium management during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic"published as Crit Care; 2020 04 28 ; 24 (1) 176; DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-02882-x


    0 references