Ayyoubzadeh SMo, et al, JMIR Public Health Surveill (2020), cited as Ref 10 in DOI:10.14218/ERHM.2020.00023
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Bibliography entry in "Trends and Prediction in Daily New Cases and Deaths of COVID-19 in the United States: An Internet Search-Interest Based Model" Explor Res Hypothesis Med; 2020 Apr 18 ; 5 (2) 1-6; DOI:https://dx.doi.org/10.14218/ERHM.2020.00023
Title | Predicting COVID-19 Incidence Through Analysis of Google Trends Data in Iran: Data Mining and Deep Learning Pilot Study |
DOI | 10.2196/18828 |
1st AU | Ayyoubzadeh SMo |
2nd AU | Ayyoubzadeh SMe |
3rd AU | Ahmadi M |
4th AU | R Niakan Kalhori S |
PubDate | 2020 |
Journal | JMIR Public Health Surveill |
Volume | 6 |
Page(s) | e18828- |
Cited In | Trends and Prediction in Daily New Cases and Deaths of COVID-19 in the United States: An Internet Search-Interest Based Model |