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Welcome to the Linked Data Research Group!

Steven L. MacCall, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Alabama

Our activities center on two areas:

  1. Applied knowledge graph research: We are applying linked data technologies to semantically index still images and video clips that document game action in sports by incorporating play-by-play datasets into the indexing process by way of an ontology and ETL pipeline process. The resulting knowledge graph can be queried using SPARQL, which allows for precision searching based on queries that incorporate game situation variables. Feel free to view and read the following for additional information:
    1. Video of presentation by Dr. MacCall to the 2020 Linked Data for Libraries (LD4L) conference
    2. Chronology: Data-driven Sports Image Indexing Research, which documents our work up until now.
  2. Basic research on philology graphs: We are investigating an ontology that would serve to integrate texts in library collections extending the work of the Collections as Data research community. In Summer 2020, students in our Linked Data course made open access journal articles available on a philology graph:
    1. Jessica Camano: Trends and Prediction in Daily New Cases and Deaths of COVID-19 in the United States: An Internet Search-Interest Based Model
    2. David Roby: SARS-CoV-2: Is it the newest spark in the TORCH? (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcv.2020.104372)
    3. Nicole Lewis: Cardiovascular Complications in Patients with COVID-19: Consequences of Viral Toxicities and Host Immune Response
    4. Will Stringfellow: Cardiovascular Risks in Patients with COVID-19: Potential Mechanisms and Areas of Uncertainty (DOI: 10.1007/s11886-020-01293-2)
    5. John Totorano: Need for Caution in the Diagnosis of Radiation Pneumonitis in the COVID-19 Pandemic (DOI: 10.1016/j.adro.2020.04.015)
    6. Maria Meade: COVID-19: ICU delirium management during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
    7. Elizabeth Pope: COVID-19 pathophysiology: A review (DOI: 10.1016/j.clim.2020.108427)
    8. Meagan Gravette: Risk for Transportation of Coronavirus Disease from Wuhan to Other Cities in China (DOI: 10.3201/eid2605.200146)

Current researchers (Fall 2020):

  1. Dr. Steven L. MacCall
  2. Huapu Liu, CIS doctoral student
  3. C. Melissa Anderson, SLIS MLIS student
  4. Nicole Lewis, SLIS MLIS student: For her Fall 2020 directed research study, Nicole is applying what she learned in the Linked Data course from this past summer to extend her philology graph work from scientific article publishing to book publishing using the HathiTrust Research Center's Extracted Features Dataset. She is developing the "transform" portion of an ETL pipeline using back-of-the-book indexes as a source for named entities for chapter-level subject access and will evaluate her work with a set of SPARQL queries against a set of transformed books on the topic of cataloging.
  5. Jessica Camano, SLIS MLIS student: For her Fall 2020 directed research study, Jessica is investigating a "red letter" problem that emerged from our work in the summer Linked Data course in which our subject terms remain without MediaWiki sitepages. Resolution of this problem involved researching the National Library of Medicine's linked data service (Medical Subject Headings RDF) to download metadata about MeSH entries as RDF triples.
  6. David Roby, SLIS MLIS student: For his Fall 2020 directed research study, David is helping us investigate a research problem related to scaling the data management methods and ETL pipeline for our ongoing research into the semantic indexing of digital images and video clips documenting game action in sports.

Affiliate researchers:

  1. Dr. Greg Bott in UA Department of Information Systems, Statistics and Management Science for database design and Python programming guidance
    1. Austin Herriott, Dr. Bott's undergraduate students, provided Python programming for the first iteration of our sports ETL pipeline funded with RGC grant monies in fall 2019
  2. Dr. Yu Gan in UA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering for digital image processing
    1. Alexander Ramey, Dr. Gan's masters student, is assisting in developing an algorithm for extracting players numbers visible in YouTube game video, which will added to our knowledge graph as named entity data.

Previous SLIS student:

  1. Christine Schultz-Richert

Special thanks to David J. McMillan, Executive Director for Enterprise Development & Application Support in the UA Office of Information Technology (OIT)