Preparing Drive Creation Spreadsheets for Category 1 Games 2014 to Present

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For games occurring 2014 to present, do the following to prepare drive spreadsheets for later data populating steps:

  1. Open file marked as DRIVE_CREATION_SPREADSHEET
  2. Delete all columns not pertaining to drives; that is, only the following columns should remain:
  3. Add/edit data in the cells each column as follows:
    1. Instance of (P17) American Football Drive (Q220)
    2. Occurring in Game (P39) - use the Q number for game that is being indexed
    3. Part of (P21) - use the Q number for relevant game
    4. Home Team Score at Start of Play or Drive (P10)
    5. Visiting Team Score at Start of Play or Drive (P10)

This process will generate Item pages (i.e., Q numbers) for each drive to be used in Drive Data Preparation
